Product Overview
ViewPoint kiosk, powered by VendTel, provides a window into inventory across your facility for those who need it, where they need it. Perfect for large facilities and/or environments with staffed cribs/stores.
ViewPoint provides real-time visibility of items ensuring your team members can locate and reserve items at any SupplyPoint point-of-use in your facility.
Empower customer personnel with the information they need to get their jobs done efficiently and easily:
- Leverage SupplyPoint’s industry-leading VendTel software to provide visibility to inventory in all SupplyPoint systems across your facility
- Enable specific personnel to allocate inventory remotely in other SupplyPoint machines or cribs, utilizing VendTel’s Reserve & Collection functionality
- Improve site efficiency by saving walk and wait time
- Increase crib/stores staffing efficiency with an enhanced collections process
- Eliminate wasted trips – know before you go!

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