Rotopoint takes the lead
Executive Summary
A world-renowned car manufacturer based in Pune, India were facing ongoing issues in locating the correct keys of imported cars to the facility. At any given point, they manage between 5,000-8,000 cars on site and had struggled to locate the correct keys of the required car, when requested
• 4 to 5 minutes a day in finding one key for 60 cars at any given time
The SupplyPoint Rotopoint was a perfect device for this requirement. The key fob (with the bar code) fitted directly into the smallest available location size, allowing 468 separate keys to be managed in a single unit. Following the short end user training by the SupplyPoint trainer, the users were immediately comfortable putting away and
issuing keys through the machine. They no longer have to waste valuable time locating the specific key for their allocated vehicle.
The Rotopoint has proved the perfect solution for this car manufacturer. The system runs independently and allows 24/7 access to all those who have authority to the keys and provides full accountability. It’s simple and convenient to use and does not require extensive training.
The Full Study
Executive Summary
A world-renowned car manufacturer based in Pune, India were facing ongoing issues in locating the correct
keys of imported cars to the facility. At any given point, they manage between 5,000-8,000 cars on site and
had struggled to locate the correct keys of the required car, when requested. The process was manual
and the key was identified by matching the chassis number on a job card to a key. The process was time
consuming, the chances of errors were high and it was difficult to track down who took the key and when it
was returned. They were looking for an automated solution for this problem.
The manufacturer did not want to manually load up the intelligent vending machine, every time a new batch of cars were delivered. The objective was to use barcode technology to scan the key fob, allowing the vending machine to allocate the keys and paperwork to an empty location. Similarly, when the vehicle was required to be moved, to access the key and the vehicle paperwork, the job owner would scan the barcode on the issued job card and remove the correct key and paperwork. The empty location would then be available for the next vehicle key.#
This is known as “dynamic binning”. Dynamic Binning was not available in the SupplyPoint software and aftersuccessfully identifying the opportunity and defining the specification, the dedicated software development team designed, built and tested the solutions to meet the customer’s needs. Our customer was spending around 4 to 5 minutes a day in finding one key and if at any given point they had around 60 cars, that was 5 hours in one day just finding one key.
How it Helped
We were able to use our naming process and not change our terminology or methods. The SupplyPoint software had the flexibility to adapt to our internal processes and enhance the overall process of withdrawing items from inventory and ordering for inventory. The SupplyPoint system organized and stored items in a central location. The overall footprint was greatly reduced due to the storage area being condensed into one central location, thus opening up space on the shop floor. Automated reports provided traceability by helping all shifts understand what items had been withdrawn, indicating who, when, and to what machine the item had been issued. The ability to chart this data using reports also enhanced the quoting process to better understand cost drivers in manufacturing.
Results & Return on Investment
The Rotopoint has proved the perfect solution for this car manufacturer. The system runs independently and allows 24/7 access to all those who have authority to the keys and provides full accountability. It’s simple and convenient to use and does not require extensive training. All the records are available from the day of installation and can be accessed from through the cloud using the SupplyPoint WebSync platform.
Currently, the intelligent vending systems are installed over two floors of the car parking area and the business is planning the roll out of the solution to all seven floors.
• A simpler and faster process
• Error free inventory
• Time saved from efficiencies, instead of 1300 hours per year, they would now only spend 130 hours.
• 24 x 7 availability
• Easy tracking of keys and cars
• No loss of keys
• Accountability to users because of the biometric fingerprint
• Better deliveries of the cars as per need